Sunday, February 6th - Photo Of The Week... In
a stretch of grass between "North Shore Park" and Loveland
High School stands a sculpture of, "The Jester", which is
featured as this weeks photo of the week... This photo is a silhouette
of the sculpture blocking the sun... This and many other fine sculpture
can be found both at "North Shore Park" and also at nearby
"Benson Sculpture Park", located on 29th street across from
Loveland High School... The sculpture park features interactive
sculpture and is a wonderful place to spend some time with your
"The Jester" and
the Sun - North Shore Park, Loveland |
Thursday, February 3rd - German Shepard Spotted
With Leg In Trap... It was reported at 7AM today that a German
Shepard was seen on FDR 128 with it's rear leg caught is a trap, which
was chained to a small log, all being dragged by the animal... The dog
was spotted in the "S" curve area about one mile below the
"T"... Residents attempted to capture the dog for treatment
but were unable to do so... The dog appeared friendly and in good health
but very frightened and in a lot of pain... The use of any type of leg
trap is highly illegal... Anyone with information on the party
responsible for the trap should contact the Larimer County Sheriff's
Department... If you wish to remain anonymous, please "email us" and we
will relay the information to the proper authorities... A report has
also been made to area animal control...
Comet Machholz Still Visible In
Evening Skies... The next couple of evenings will be a great
opportunity to view "Comet Machholz" before it fades away...
The Moon is out of the way making for dark skies... To find Comet
Machholz (map)
look to the north around 7:00pm for the constellation of Cassiopeia,
which looks like an upside down letter "W"... Machholz is just
to the right appearing as a fuzzy spot to the unaided eye with
binoculars revealing the nucleus and tails... Comet Machholz is expected
to fade beyond naked eye levels by the end of February and is not
predicted to return to our part of the universe for another 11,000
Photos of Comet
Machholz taken Feb 2nd on Storm Mountain |
Wednesday, February 2nd - County Considers
Selling Big Thompson Properties... A work-session will be held by
the Board of Larimer County Commissioners with County Parks and Open
Lands Director Gary Buffington and County manager Frank Lancaster on a
process for the county to divest itself of properties it owns in the Big
Thompson Canyon... The work-session takes place on Thursday, February
10th, from 9:30-11:30a.m. in the Hearing Room, 1st floor,
Larimer County Courthouse Offices Building, 200 West Oak Street, Fort
Collins... Larimer County acquired approximately 135 parcels of land in
the big Thompson Canyon after the flood of 1976... The parcels range in
size from less than a tenth of an acre to eight acres... County
officials are considering selling the properties to free the County from
maintenance costs... The February 10 work-session will focus on
potential fair processes for selling the properties. The work-session
will be broadcast live in the Internet at Larimer County's web site, the
Virtual Courthouse,
Punxsutawney Phil Says Six More
Weeks Of Winter... This year when "Phil" the groundhog
came out, he saw his shadow... The groundhog's full name is actually
"Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of
Prognosticators and Weather Prophet Extraordinary." It was so
proclaimed by the "Punxsutawney Groundhog Club" in 1887, the
same year they declared Punxsutawney to be the weather capital of the
world... German tradition holds that if the sun comes out on Candlemas, the precursor to Groundhog Day, the
hedgehog (or badger) will see its shadow and six more weeks of winter
will follow... When German settlers came to Pennsylvania they continued
this tradition, using groundhogs instead of hedgehogs to predict the
weather... This was the 119th year for the annual event which began in
1886... Below is the official 2005 forecast:
Natural disasters have been a
terrible thing; tsunamis,
downpours, floods, landslides, heavy snowstorms, avalanches,
frigid temperatures, sleet and freezing rain.
They all cause much destruction, suffering and pain.
When it seems like too much with
which to cope;
The coming of spring brings us new hope.
Changing seasons is a wonderful thing.
Now it's Groundhog Day and we think
of spring.
Will Spring come early or will it come late?
It's time for me to prognosticate.
As I study the sun
It's all about fun.
But I'm sorry to say
I see my shadow today.
When my shadow I see,
Six more weeks of winter there will be!
Tuesday, February 1st - USFS To Host Two Public
Fuels Reduction Meetings... The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) is
encouraging community participation at public meetings to discuss the
proposed treatments for the fuels reduction project in the Estes Valley
area... The first meeting will be held at the Estes Park Volunteer Fire
Department at 6 p.m. on February 2, 2005, and the second meeting will be
at the Pinewood Springs Volunteer Fire Department at 6 p.m. on February
3... The Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department is located at 901 N. St.
Vrain Ave. and the Pinewood Springs Volunteer Fire Department is located
at 61 Kiowa... The project area includes communities north from Estes
Park and south to Pinewood Springs... Meetings are being held at two
locations in an effort to make it easier for individuals to attend...
Both meetings will be similar, including a project overview, followed by
a question and answer period... The two locations will provide a more
effective way for USFS employees to address community-specific issues...
To maximize the benefit from efforts done or continuing on Park Service
and private land in the Estes Valley area, the USFS is considering
treatment on approximately 8,000 acres of national forest land within
the planning area... The goal of the project is to strategically treat
national forest lands to reduce the potential impacts of wildfire to
surrounding communities, watersheds and other resources, as well as
change fire behavior in the Estes Valley... The public has the
opportunity to comment on this project during the scoping period...
Scoping started December 20 and comments are being accepted until
February 4, 2005... For additional information, please contact either
Dyce Gayton at 970-295-6761 or Reghan McDaniel at 970-295-6770... More
information can also be found via the link provided below...
Storm Mountain Net Passes 1/4 Million Hit Mark... As of 6PM January
31st, 2005 Storm Mountain Net has received a total of 263,937 hits
passing the quarter-million hit mark... With an average of 50+ visitors
a day, the site has become an important source of community information
both for local residents and others around the country... Our sincere
thanks to all of you as this is your site and it is a pleasure for us to
provide this service for our community... Below are a few of the emails
we have received in regards to our site:
I enjoyed viewing the web page, I enjoy looking at
the photos and current events of the area. My parents live
in 6th filing and we enjoy the area as well.
Roseann Dobesh-DeGraff
Plattsmouth, NE
My in-laws (Alvis and Connie
Roche) told me about this site nearly a year ago and I have enjoyed
checking in periodically to see the goings-on around Storm Mountain.
My wife and I along with our two children have been enjoying my
in-law’s vacation cabin every summer since they built it nearly a
decade ago. Spending a few weeks every summer in Colorado is just
what we need to recharge our batteries. Thanks for putting the web
site together so that we can enjoy the beauty of Storm Mountain all
year long. Please remember these two things. First, Even on the
hottest day of the year in Drake it is still hotter down here near
the Gulf of Mexico. Second, I do not have a pet alligator nor have I
ever had a pet alligator.
Lyle E. Hawsey
Lake Charles, Louisiana
My name is Chris Hansen and I came across your
website today while checking out the Aurora forecast for tonight. I
wanted to thank you you for a glimpse of my past as I grew up in the
Loveland area.( Went to LHS in the mid 70s). Now I live in the forest in
Northern California. You have some excellent images especially your
astrophotography, Keep up the superb work.
Sincerely and God Bless
As a new member of Cedar Springs I would like to make
introductions at some point soon and would like to tell you that I
especially enjoy your website. Your photography is exceptional and
seeing many local land marks makes it all that much more interesting to
me. I appreciate the energy that you have put forth toward
“Community” by compiling a website for our area.
Keep up the good work.
Gregg Cooper
As vacation home owners in Cedar Springs we really enjoy this
website. Just wanted to let you know that the picture of "Comet
Bradfield" is stunningly beautiful. We will be up there at the
end of May and all of June. Hope the snow stops before then.
Al & Connie Roche
Monday, January 31st - 9:30AM
Update... Snow has ended across our area and the Sun is now burning
through the high clouds... Roads are reported as snow-packed with slush
and icing in spots... FDR 128 is snow-packed with icing on the
switchbacks and other ice prone areas... Hwy 34 to Estes Park is
reported as having patches of snow and ice... Conditions are expected to
improve as the morning Sun warms the road surfaces...
Snowy morning
scene along Big Thompson River |
5AM Weather Update... Snow has
stopped in the Storm Mountain area with Jupiter and the Moon currently
being visible through the high clouds... Overnight accumulations of 2 to
4 inches are being reported with little to no further snow expected...
Roads in the area, including FDR 128, are snow-packed with slick slushy
spots... Residents are advised to allow plenty of extra travel time...
Chains, adequate snow-tires and 4WD are highly recommended for travel on
FDR 128...
Storm Warning Until 9AM... The National Weather Service in Denver
has issued a Winter Storm Warning for the front range including the
Drake, Glen Haven and Storm Mountain area effective until 9AM MST... QUICK HITTING SNOW STORM HITS THE FRONT RANGE... UPSLOPE
News posts from previous weeks are located in our "News
Archive" which can be found by clicking the button below:
Storm Mountain Net