Friday, October 15th - 2005
County Budget Available For Review... The proposed Larimer County
budget for 2005, at $238,250,297, is now available for public review and
comment... This budget reflects a decrease of 5.4% from the 2004 Revised
Budget and an increase of 2.2% over the 2004 Original Budget... The
Proposed Budget reduces levels of services in certain areas and increases
others... However, it maintains emphasis to three areas: Law Enforcement
and Public Safety; Roads and Bridges; and saving for future facilities...
The complete budget can be reviewed by following the link below...
Thursday, October 14th -
Abandoned Vehicle Vandalized... A vehicle that has apparently been
abandoned by it's owner was severely damaged early Wednesday morning by
vandals... The auto, which has a rope tied to the front bumper, has been
parked at the entrance to the Berg Ranch on FDR 128 for a week now...
Vandals broke all of the windows out of the vehicle and beat the body with
a bat or similar object...
Vandalized vehicle at entrance
to Berg Ranch on FDR 128 |
Early Voting Begins Monday... Would
you like to vote early, before Election Day? Larimer County offers five
early voting sites... Early Voting sites will be open weekdays from 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on October 18-29, 2004 for the General Election... Be
sure to take your driver's license or other identification with you... If
you have moved and not changed your address, you can change your address
and vote at the same time... Complete information on early voting can be
found by following the link provided below...
Wednesday, October 13th -
Voters Advised To Confirm Registration... In an attempt to sabotage
this year's election, several entities have been accused of tampering with
voter registrations... The worst case uncovered so far is in Nevada where
Voter Outreach, an independent registration group, was allegedly found to
be throwing Democratic registrations in the trash in an apparent attempt
to alter the outcome of the elections to favor the Republican Party...
This has turned out to be the most underhanded election year in recent
memory with the Republicans and their supporters pulling out all stops in
their bid to win in November... Democrats have also been accused of voter
fraud but to a lesser extent... As a safeguard against fraud, all
individuals who have recently registered are advised to contact your
County offices to verify that your registration is properly in the system
and to avoid unpleasant surprises at the polls... Larimer County
residents may confirm their registration via the link below...
Fahrenheit 9/11 To Be Shown At Estes
Park Library... Michael
Moore's controversial film, "Fahrenheit
9/11", is scheduled to be shown at the public library in Estes
Park on Friday, October 15th at 2:00pm... To anyone who truly understands
what it means to be an American, Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 should be
seen as a triumph of patriotic freedom... For more information contact the
Estes Park Library
at: 970-586-8115
Tuesday, October 12th -
Possible Resolution Reached In Bus Stop Controversy... It has been
reported this afternoon that the Estes Park School's have agreed to allow
the parents the option of using either stop for dropping off and/or
picking up students... It should be noted that the Larimer County Sheriff
has verified that the children being in the road is in violation of
Colorado's pedestrian law and that parents run the risk of being ticketed
for allowing their children in the traffic portion of the road... It was
also stated by deputies that the stop at the intersection of CO 43 and FDR
128 is, in their professional opinion, extremely hazardous and that common
sense should dictate why there should never have been a bus stop located
there ever, pointing out that:
1) A bridge is the first portion
of a roadway to ice up.
2) The optics at and around the
stop are very poor.
3) Bottle-necking at the bridge
creates a natural hazard and congestion.
4) This location forces parents
and their children to potentially break the State pedestrian law.
A letter regarding this issue was sent
home with students today and can be found below:
Superintendent States Bus Stop Never
Changed... In response to our inquiry about the bus stop for students
attending Estes Park Schools, Superintendent Miller stated," The
Park R-3 School District places an extreme priority on the safety
and well-being of all of our students. According to our
Director of Transportation, Tony Paglia, and the bus driver
for that particular route, that bus stop has always been in the present
locations and not recently changed as indicated in your story." This
statement is incorrect as on both Thursday, October 7th and Friday,
October 8th students were indeed picked up at the intersection of
Hwy 34 and CO 43, a change from the previous location at the intersection
of CO 43 and FDR 128 and which was reportedly approved by Estes Park
School's Transportation Department...
Correction: Students
attending Estes Park Schools were not picked up on Friday, October 8th as
previously reported, as there was no school...
Bus Stop Moved Back Indefinitely... The
Bus Stop for students of Estes Park Schools has been moved back to it's
previous location at the intersection of CO 43 and FDR 128... This is
reportedly due to an disgruntled parent who stated, "It's too hard
for me to get up early enough to reach the stop at Hwy 34 and CO
43"... We find it sad that the safety of the children has to be
jeopardized due a parent's laziness... The reality is that the safer stop
which provides parking and keeps the children off the road, is no more
than 30 seconds further than the unsafe stop which has children going into
the road, with traffic, on a bridge, over a river, to get to the bus...
Tony Paglia, of the Estes School Transportation Department, approved this
return to the unsafe situation reportedly against the recommendations of
other parents and the bus driver for the route... It was also reported
that two children almost got struck by a vehicle again today while running
across the bridge to the bus, as there are no shoulders and they must be
on the paved part of the road over this bridge... It should also be
noted that a Loveland student attending Estes Park Schools is still being
picked up at the safer stop, with local parents not being allowed the
option of their children being picked up there... Estes Park District
Superintendent, Jeffery
A. Miller, has been contacted for a response...
Bus stop at
intersection of CO 43 and FDR 128 with red line showing path
children travel to reach bus. Parking is along roadside and across
bridge. |
Bus stop at
intersection of Hwy 34 and CO 43 with red line showing path
children travel to reach bus. Parking is in pull-off on right,
away from road. |
Heavy Metal Detected In Big Thompson
River... It has been recently reported that the heavy metal, "Selenium",
has shown up in tests of the Big Thompson River in two separate
locations... The exact location and source of the contaminations is not
known at this time... While the main suspect is run-off from
irrigated fields, the possibility of a connection between the Selenium
contamination and the known chemical run-off from FDR 128 has been
suggested by some residents of the Storm Mountain Area...
Sunday, October 10th - Photos
Featured On News 4 Website... A selection of photos of the "Fall
Colors" in the Drake area and RMNP taken by photographer, and SMN
owner, Darrell Spangler are being currently featured in the "Colorado
Colors" section of CBS News 4's website... You can view the photos
via the link below...
Moon Joins Venus In Morning Sky... The
crescent Moon this morning joined our sister planet Venus in the eastern
sky making for an awesome scene... The photo below was taken along FDR 128
at 6:20am today...
Moon, Venus, and Regulus in
eastern sky this morning |
Saturday, October 9th -
"River Forks Stage Stop" To Reopen... The historic,
"River Forks Stage Stop" on Hwy 34 in Drake is tentatively
scheduled to reopen on November 1st... The River Forks Restaurant and the
new, Stage Stop Cafe', will both be serving residents and tourists with
quality, reasonably priced meals... More details will be posted as they
become available...
Fall colors surround the
historic, "River Forks Stage Stop" |