Friday, December 31st -
Message From The Owner... I would first like to sincerely thank all of
you who have patronized this site and all of you who helped make this
possible... We are all blessed to live in this wonderful place... I would
also like to stress to all of you the importance of not drinking and
driving this weekend... The impact that decision can have on your family,
friends, and even your pets can be devastating... This morning a good
friend told me of a girlfriend of her's being killed last night while
drinking and driving... While I never knew this person, tears filled my
eyes as I could deeply feel the pain of her loss... I can only imagine the
heartache and pain her children and family are going through... So please,
go out if you desire and celebrate this coming of the new year... Drink
and be merry... But I beg of you not to get behind the wheel after
drinking... The price is far too high... May God bless you all and may you
have a safe and happy holiday... Darrell E. Spangler
FLASHBACK (Year in Review) Wednesday, November 8th - Northern Lights Put On Spectacular
Display... Last night the "Northern
Lights" put on a superb show for area residents... For several
hours the sky was ablaze with a rainbow of moving color... A strong
geomagnetic storm is responsible for this display and may possibly
continue into tonight... As a bonus, we are currently passing through a
1000 year old stream of dust associated with comet Temple-Tuttle, the
parent of the annual, "Leonid Meteor Shower"... Be sure to watch
for meteors (shooting stars) tonight also... A gallery of photos from last
night's display of the Aurora Borealis taken here on Storm Mountain can be
found by clicking on the photo below... Photos of the event from around
the world may be found at's, "Aurora Gallery"

in Review) Wednesday, November 3rd - Salazar Edges Out Coors For US Senate
Seat... In a hard fought race for the US
Senate seat being vacated by Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R), Ken Salazar (D)
last night edged out Pete Coors (R) by 50% - 48%... Other Colorado winners
last night include Marilyn Musgrave (R), Bob Bacon (D), Karen Wagner (D),
Diana DeGette (D), Tomas Tancredo (R), Bob Beauprex (R), John Salazar (D),
Joel Hefley (R), and Mark Udall (D)... The majority of votes in Colorado
went to George W. Bush for President, giving Bush our State's nine
electoral votes... Amendment 36, which would have split Colorado's
electoral votes proportionately, failed 66% - 34%... In the race for House
District 49, incumbent Kevin Lundberg (R) won over challenger Doug Frisbie
(D) by a margin of 54% - 43%... Referendum 5B, which would have brought
additional funding into the Loveland Rural Fire District, failed 55% -
Thursday, December 30th -
"New Year's Eve" DUI Crackdown... The Colorado State Patrol
and local law enforcement agencies will be kicking off their "New
Years Eve" DUI crackdown on Friday, December 31st, at 6pm, and
continuing through Sunday evening... Police saturation and checkpoints can
be expected... The goal of the campaign is to prevent drinking related
fatalities on Colorado roadways with a focus in areas with a high number
of DOA accidents... Residents and visitors should refrain from drinking
and driving and make arrangements prior to heading out to celebrate... The
legal limit for DUI in Colorado was lowered this year to .08, with arrests
also being made at the .05 level for impaired driving... If you plan on
drinking this holiday weekend, plan on using taxi's, designated drivers,
or getting a room for the night to avoid a very costly and embarrassing
experience with the boys in blue...
in Review) - Saturday, September 25th - 1700 Pack Student Center To
Hear Mrs. Kerry Speak... The Lory Student Center
at CSU was filled Friday afternoon with 1700 people attending a rally for
Presidential candidate, John
Kerry... Many guests were deeply moved as Teresa
Heinz Kerry shared her story of being born in South Africa and her
life under it's dictatorship... Mrs. Kerry also expressed both her and her
husband's strong desire for a better America, emphasizing the importance
of health care, jobs, and our environment... Photos from the event can be found
by clicking the picture below...
Wednesday, December 29th -
County Seeks Volunteers For Open Lands Projects... Volunteers needed
for Larimer County Parks and Open Lands programs and projects... You are
invited to attend the next Volunteer Orientation on Saturday January 8,
from 9 – 11:30 a.m. at The Bison Visitor Center at Carter Lake... We
offer a variety of volunteer opportunities to anyone interested in
restoration, re-vegetation, recreation or education programs... You will
learn details about each of our programs and projects and get the scoop on
valuable training and other benefits as well as meet other volunteers...
Learn more at Call: 970-679-4553
or email to
sign up...
in Review) Thursday, August 26th - Plague Reported In Larimer County...
The Larimer County Department of Health and Environment along with the
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) are urging
residents and visitors in Larimer County to take precautions against
rodents which may be spreading plague through their fleas... The
plague-causing bacteria may be present in prairie dogs, deer mice, rock
and ground squirrels, wood rats, wild rabbits, chipmunks, and other
rodents... “The warning is a result of confirmation Tuesday by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) laboratory in Fort
Collins that a 54-year-old woman from Weld County is suffering from
plague. The woman was hospitalized on August 22 after becoming ill on
August 18. She is currently receiving treatment”, states
Larimer County Health Director, Dr. Adrienne LeBailly, MD, “We know
that plague-infected fleas are present in Larimer County. Plague was
confirmed last week in two pet cats in the county. One cat was from
the northern area of the county near Cherokee Park Rd (WCR 80) and County
Road 82E. The other cat was from the Masonville area. In 1999,
a fatal human case of plague occurred in the Red Feather Lakes area.” The
full news release from the County can be found below...
Tuesday, December 28th -
Elusive Planet Mercury Visible In Mornings... If you happen to be up
and about at sunrise for the next few days, don't miss the opportunity to
see the planet Mercury rising in the southeast sky... Because its orbit
lies so close to the Sun, it is most often lost in the glare making
Mercury the most difficult of the five planets visible with the unaided
eye to see... For the next couple of days, Mercury can be seen rising near
Venus at dawn... Mars and Jupiter are also visible in the morning with
Saturn shining in the west after sunset making all five naked-eye planets
currently visible in our area... A golden opportunity if you or your
children received a telescope for Christmas!!!
Mercury rising,
above and to the left of Venus, on
Tuesday morning at dawn. |
in Review): Monday, June 28th - West Nile Makes Appearance In County... Larimer County Health officials confirmed that a mosquito
trapped in Ft Collins last Tuesday has tested positive for the West Nile
virus... The recent moisture has added to concerns as standing water in
backyards provide ideal breeding spots for the West Nile carrying Culex
mosquitoes... Cool weather has been helping to keep the breeding subdued,
but a warm spell will certainly result in an increase in mosquito
numbers... Residents are advised to remove all standing water from around
their property... Gutters, buckets, dishes, and grills are a few of the
places to keep dry... More information about West Nile in our area,
including symptoms and prevention tips, can be found below...
Monday, December 27th - FLASHBACK (Year in Review): March 23rd, 2004 - After
years of construction on dams and other areas, construction is complete
and Horsetooth Reservoir is approaching full capacity...
Motorists are now treated to spectacular views as they drive around the
shores... This is a very welcome sight to those who enjoy the reservoir's
many recreational activities such as fishing, boating, or simply walking
along the shoreline... The work and repairs were a part of the "Colorado Big Thompson Project", in
cooperation with the ongoing, "Big Thompson Watershed"...
Sunday, December 26th - Comet Machholz Continues To Brighten... Comet Machholz (C2004 Q2) is continuing to brighten in our
southern skies... Now easily visible in binoculars, the comet is expected
to brighten daily until mid January when it should be an easy object for
the naked eye... A gallery of local photos and videos of Comet Machholz
may be found at: Tonight will also
bring a "Full Moon" which will be the smallest full Moon of 2004... This is due to the Moon
now being at, "Apogee",
or it's farthest distance from Earth in it's lopsided orbit around our
Comet Machholz on
Christmas evening |
Close-up view of
Comet showing faint tail at 10 o'clock |
in Review): April
2nd, 2004 - "Picnic Rock Fire" Declared State Emergency...
Governor, Bill Owens, today declared the, "Picnic Rock
Fire", a state emergency freeing up State funds to help fight the
blaze... The fire, as of 4:00pm today, was reported to now be over 8000
acres in size and growing... Awaited moisture from a passing cold front
has been slow in coming, but is still expected to arrive late tonight or
Smoke from the "Picnic
Rock Fire", rises behind mountains scarred in our,
"Bobcat Gulch Fire"... |
December 25th - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We here at SMN would like to wish all of you a safe and
very, "Merry Christmas"... We would also like to thank you, our
readers, for your patronage and your support... Without you we would not
have survived and developed into the reputable source of information for
our small community that we have become... A special thanks to Park School
District R3, Thompson School District R2J, the City of Loveland, Tim Haag
and Loveland Rural Fire Protection, and the Larimer County Administrative
Offices... The information and assistance you provide is greatly
appreciated... This has been an amazing year! Watch for a different
top story from 2004 each day this week starting tomorrow... In 2005 will
will be expanding our information and general coverage to include Glen
Haven, the Retreat and CO 43 area, the entire Big Thompson Canyon, and
surrounding rural areas between Estes Park and Loveland... We are still
moving towards a printed paper with the name, "Storm Mountain Eagle®" being the
current contender... Any and all suggestions are welcome...
morning sunrise over Palisade Mountain |
Thursday, December 23rd - 2004
Light Up The Mountain Winner Announced... We are pleased to announce
that Ron and Karen Hentges of 56 Mica Ct are the winners of the "2004
Light Up The Mountain" Christmas display contest, sponsored by Storm
Mountain Net and the historic River Forks Inn Restaurant... The Hentges'
wonderful display features several beautifully created scenes for both
daytime and nighttime viewing... As this year's winners, Ron and Karen
will receive a ,"Limited edition print of the Northern Lights over
Storm Mountain", signed by the photographer, and a, "Dinner for
Two Gift Certificate", compliments of the historic River Forks Inn
Restaurant... Our congratulations to the Hentges for their awesome display
and our thanks for sharing it with our community!!!

News posts from previous weeks are located in our "News Archive" which can be found by
clicking the button below:
Storm Mountain Net