Saturday, August 21st -
Venus Dominates Morning Skies... Step outside just before sunrise
this week and you will see Venus dominating our eastern skies... For
best viewing look toward the east between 3am and 5 am... Venus will
remain in our morning skies through early September when it will be
joined by a crescent Moon...
Photo this morning of,
"Venus at Sunrise" |
Friday, August 20th -
"You Drink, You Drive, You Lose"... Larimer County
Sheriff’s Office deputies will conduct a DUI checkpoint on Saturday,
August 21, 2004... The checkpoint will be mobile in Larimer County
and is intended to remove impaired and intoxicated drivers from Larimer
County roadways... It will be located at Horsetooth Reservoir and also
south of Masonville... Ten commissioned deputies and civilians will
staff the checkpoint... No taxpayer money is used as it is part of
the “You Drink, You Drive, You Lose” campaign.... The complete news
release can be found below...
Thursday, August 19th -
Final Update On Road Contamination Issue... As of this afternoon,
the critical time has passed for those concerned about run-off of road
chemicals into the streams and rivers... Yesterdays rains washed much of
the materials away with foam being reported along the shores of the Big
Thompson the entire stretch of the canyon East of Drake, as anticipated...
Federal, State, and County agencies are now investigating with other
news agencies picking up the story... Barring any major developments
this will be our final update on this matter... A letter from one effected resident, Darrell Spangler, can be found in our new, "Editorial
Section", requesting opinions from the community and other
viewers of this site on this issue...
Streams of foam flowed freely
yesterday along roadsides of FDR 128, appearing like rivers of snow in some
areas |
One of thousands of foam
accumulations from FDR 128 to the Dam Store at the mouth of the
Big Thompson Canyon |
Truck Crashes On Glen Haven Switchbacks... At 1:43pm it was reported
that a 24 foot truck had crashed through the guardrail on the
switchbacks of CO 43, one mile west of Glen Haven... The accident is
reportedly on the upper switchback with the vehicle hanging partially
over the edge... Emergency crews are currently on scene... Both the
driver and the passenger have been transported to the Estes Park Medical
Center for treatment... Residents traveling
to or from Estes Park are advised to use Hwy 34 as delays can be
expected until the accident scene is cleaned up...
Official Morning Update From County... It would appear that Larimer
County slid by with only occasional high water is some small bona fide flooding or damage of any kind has been reported
from our 1-3" rain event of yesterday. Even the 2 inches of rain in
the area of the Picnic Rock fire did not cause problems of consequence.
The forecast for today is less favorable for the heavy rains we had
yesterday and the storms which may develop are going to be moving at
perhaps 10-15 mph., unlike yesterday. But, we could still have a problem
with saturated ground and it would take less rain than yesterday to give
us a problem. So, the drill for today for all county residents living
near rivers, creeks or flood prone areas is to be alert. Pay attention
if it starts raining hard or for very long and stay tuned to local
radio, television/ the Weather Channel and/or NOAA weather radio for
6:00am Update of Conditions... The conditions have improved somewhat
overnight with the Flood Watch being lifted... Rains continued to fall
thru the night at a light to moderate rate... Rivers is the area are
reported as swollen but for the most part within their banks... No major
damages or injuries have been reported as a result of flooding... Fog
currently covers the hillsides with no further heavy rains predicted
today... This is a blessing as the ground is well saturated and a major
rain event today in this area could prove to be disastrous, but this is
unlikely to occur...
"Misty Mountain
Morning" - Fog hanging on hillsides |
Wednesday, August 18th
- Emergency Information Update From County... Things have settled
down quite a bit and it appears we may have dodged a bullet for this
evening. No new areas of concern to discuss and those which we were
monitoring earlier are in good shape. The rains this evening are not
expected to be nearly as heavy as was forecast this afternoon. This will
be the last update on our (thankfully) non-flooding event. Should things
take a bad turn later, which isn't expected, we will provide additional
updates. Updates as they are released can be found below...
Evacuations In Glen Haven Along North Fork... As of 3:45pm, the
Larimer County Sheriff's Department and other agencies have
reportedly started a door-to-door evacuation of residents living in
flood prone areas along the North Fork in the Glen Haven area... No
further information is available at this time...
National Weather Service in Denver has issued a FLASH FLOOD WARNING for
Larimer County until 7pm... At 1:02pm Doppler
radar indicated very heavy rain 6 miles northwest of Glen Haven...
The storm was nearly stationary and has reportedly dropped over 2 inches
of rain in an hour... THIS
Photo at 1:25pm of storms northwest of Glen Haven
producing heavy rains |
Flood Watch Issued From 1:30pm to 6am... The National Weather Service
in Denver has issued a Flash Flood Watch for much of the Northern Colorado
urban corridor and foothills, including the Storm Mountain area, from
1:30pm this afternoon until 6am Thursday morning... A slow moving system
approaching from Utah will combine over the area with a cold front
moving down from Wyoming to create favorable conditions for the
development of heavy rains... Over 3" of rain may occur in a short
amount of time with flash flooding possible within the watch area... The
complete text of the watch can be found below...
Exact Composition Of Road Product Unknown... The manufacturer of
the product applied to FDR 128 has reportedly refused to release exactly
what other chemicals aside from Magnesium chloride and Lignin sulfonate
the product contains, allegedly claiming that these chemicals are proprietary
and protected from public knowledge by law...
Chemicals Now In North Fork And Big
Thompson... A check this morning has revealed that the road
chemicals from FDR 128 have now made their way into the North Fork and
Big Thompson rivers... The North Fork is now brown and foamy downstream
of where the National Forest stream merges... The Big Thompson is also
showing the same brown, foamy condition east of it's merge with the
North Fork... Foaming and brown discoloration in the Big Thompson has
now been reported as far downstream as the Narrows, several miles from
the source point of FDR 128... Should predicted heavy rains develop
today, this flow of chemicals into the rivers is expected increase
dramatically... Photos and/or video of both areas will be posted here
later this afternoon...
Tuesday, August 17th -
Chemicals Wash Into Stream, EXCLUSIVE VIDEO... This afternoon's rains
have begun to wash the road chemicals from FDR 128 into the National
Forest Streams and towards the North Fork... This exclusive video below
was shot at 3:20pm this afternoon... Previous reports that the bridge over
the North Fork was pouring chemicals into the river were somewhat
exaggerated... Investigation revealed some dripping of chemicals but not
on a large enough scale to warrant video... The area of the bridge is
however expected to be of interest should rains continue, as is the
confluence of the North Fork and Big Thompson rivers south of Hwy 34 in
Drake... Heavy rains are predicted tomorrow along the Front Range,
including the Storm Mountain area...
Pools containing chemicals
gathering by paper boxes at intersection of CO 43 and FDR 128 |
Close-up of pool saturated
with chemicals washed down by rains Tuesday afternoon |
Maintenance Corporation Responds To Neglect Allegations... The
Cedar Park Road Maintenance Corporation yesterday responded to the
allegations of negligence in applying road chemicals with the following
statement, "CPRMC
stands behind the letter of March 5, 2005 from
the State of Colorado." The letter, actually dated March 5th,
2004, states several studies done
by CDOT and other agencies on the use of Magnesium chloride as a
deicer... These studies may be accurate but were based on it's limited use as
a deicer and not in a 24hr a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year type
situation... These studies were also based on it's use on paved roads
and does not address it's use in combination with recycled asphalt, as on FDR 128...
The use of Mag chloride is not the concern... The concern is of heavy,
toxic metals being leeched from the recycled asphalt, as was confirmed
by analysis of sludge deposited on a resident's property... Below is a link to the
letter referred to by CPRMC...
Sunday, August 15th -
Young Rabbit Seen Coated With Chemicals... As if matters weren't
already bad enough, it was reported this afternoon that a young rabbit
was seen coated with road chemicals... The rabbit was spotted by a resident
in her driveway... It was reportedly covered with black, oily sludge
from the neck down... The resident attempted to captured the bunny for
treatment, but stated she was unable to do so... The impact on area
wildlife had not been a concern previously, but with the report of the
rabbit coated with chemicals, this now becomes a major issue...
Wouldn't You Be Angry If This Was Your Home??? This is the question
a resident whose property was inundated with chemical run-off asks...
"I mean really now, if your property that you had worked your
entire life to have was recklessly and repeatedly damaged by chemical
waste, wouldn't you be angry too? I'll guarantee you would!!! I have
tried to be civil and even asked the day before this occurred if they
were going to take measures to prevent contamination to my land... My
questions and concerns were ignored by the road crew and now I have
gallons of this crap in my yard... Heads are gonna roll for this one...
I gave them the benefit of the doubt last year but I am done playing
this game... They have total disregard for my property, my family, and
our environment... They, well Rich Miller in particular, just want a smooth road to sell more houses, the
cost of which is irrelevant... I hope they have good insurance or a
large stock of money, because trust me they are sure going to need it!" It has also been
alleged by several separate residents that this application was
intentionally scheduled for a Friday to circumvent County officials from
stopping them from putting the chemicals down... Should this be true,
criminal charges may be indicated... Parties possibly liable for damages
include Rich Miller, Cedar Park Road Maintenance Corporation, and the
National Forest Service who owns the road... Other parties may also be
liable depending on permits issued and licenses held...
Chemicals foaming from heavy
flow thru property |
One of many thick chemical flows on
resident's property |
Preparing to take samples for
analysis and evidence |
Taking the samples - Note
thick oily consistency |