Friday, September 10th -
Spectacular Sunset Over Area... Clouds associated with a small weather
disturbance made for a spectacular sunset throughout the Storm Mountain
area... In all directions the sky offered an array of colors and varying
Colorful clouds at sunset over
Palisade Mountain |
Thursday, September 9th - Moon
And Two Planets In Morning Skies... Step outside just before sunrise
and look toward the East to view a beautiful celestial gathering... The
moon, Saturn, and Venus are all three shining brightly in the pre-dawn
Photo taken this morning of the
Moon, Saturn, and Venus |
Tuesday, September 7th -
Highway 34 Open... As of 7:55pm, Highway 34 between Drake and Estes
Park is now open... The road had been closed since 10am as a result of an
accident earlier today...
5:00PM Update, Hwy 34 Remains
Closed... Highway 34 remains closed from Drake west to Estes Park as
crews work to clean up the scene of an accident earlier today... The
accident reportedly occurred around 10am when a semi pulling a
refrigerated trailer full of frozen goods rolled over along Hwy 34 east of
Estes Park... No injuries have been reported and the driver was said to be
walking around after the crash, with no signs of injury... Workers are
currently unloading the trailer so that it can be rolled back onto it's
wheels... Hwy 34 is expected to remain closed for another couple hours
with traffic being detoured to CO 43, thru Glen Haven...
Road crew diverting
traffic from Hwy 34 to Co 43 in Drake |
Highway 34 closed
from Drake west to Estes Park |
Accident Closes Hwy 34 West Of
Drake... Late this morning a semi-trailer rolled over on Hwy 34 east
of Estes Park, striking a power pole... Larimer County Sheriffs and
Colorado State Patrol have closed Hwy 34 between Drake and Estes park
while workers clean up the scene... Traffic is currently being detoured to
CO 43... Residents are advised to allow extra travel time if going to or
from Estes Park this afternoon, as delays are expected... No details on
any injuries are available at this time...