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Thursday, November 10th - Congress Stands Up For The People...
By Darrell E. Spangler

After five years of dragging their feet, members of  the United States Congress are apparently finally taking a stand for the people against the current administration. Many were beginning to question their Senators and Representatives as to why their concerns and views were not being represented in Washington.  

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted down a measure that would allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). This drilling is a top priority for the current oil based administration, and the voting down of the ANWR bill, is a major blow to the President's agenda. The bill would also have permitted offshore drilling in currently protected areas on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.   

This week top executives of oil companies have been called before Congress to explain their enormous profits at a time of National crisis. The oil companies reported all time record profits during the period during Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. Many consumers strongly believe these record profits to be a direct result of oil companies manipulating the markets and using scare tactics to drive up oil prices. While the executives tried to explain and justify their profits, members of Congress were not impressed, and a windfall profit tax is being considered.   

Congress is also discussing curbing some of the FBI's powers currently granted under the controversial Patriot Act. This comes at the same time President Bush is pushing for expansion of FBI powers, and an extension of the Patriot Act, which is set to expire in December. This is just another sign that Congress is listening to the People of America and standing up for them rather than the administration.   

This recent shift in Congressional loyalty is most likely a result of several factors. The President and his current administration are quickly loosing support and credibility with the American People. The majority of citizens now realize that they have been lied to and manipulated into actions now known to be unwarranted. The deceptive justification and complete failure of the President's invasion of Iraq being a prime example.   

There is also the fact that the entire House of Representatives will be up for election in 2006. With increasing pressure from the public sector, Senators and Representatives are realizing that their positions truly are on the line. They are realizing that it is the People who entrusted them to properly represent them on important issues and that their failure to do so will result in their being removed from office. With supporters of the current greed agenda dropping like flies in Tuesday's elections, all indications are that a definite and pronounced move toward government change is currently underway in America.   

The Presidential Election of 2008 may also be playing a role in Congress now attempting to represent the people. With the dismal record of the current administration, the revealing of lies and corruption by high ranking administration members, and the stark reality that America is going backward and not forward in most all ways, it is understandable that Republicans are concerned about their chances of maintaining control in 2008. They have been in full control for five years and the results of their control has been disastrous in all aspects.  

In summation, Congress is scared and realizes it is time to do the jobs they were elected to do, or pay the consequences. The majority of Americans do not like the dictatorial rule of this administration, the secretive deals and cronyism, nor being lied to by our so-called leaders. 2006 could indeed be a very important year in our Nation's history, as Americans have the opportunity to show their extreme displeasure with the direction this country is being taken, and through due process, change direction in midstream with the Republicans losing control of both houses of Congress. Could impeachment proceedings be just around the corner??? One can only speculate.   

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